Eight Years ago at this time two planes flew into the twin towers. I was in 2nd grade and our principal went over the intercom and said something so my teacher turned on the T.V. and we watched what happened. I really had no idea what was going on at the time because i was so young, and the teachers never really explained a lot to us what had happened because they didn't want us to freak out about it. I don't really remember too much about what happened following the 9/11 attack.
I think that we will still be remembering the day of 9/11 twenty years from now. That day took a big effect on our country and i think that everyone will still remember the day in the future. The terrorists had no reason to plan the attack on us, and I'm not really sure why they did. I'm glad it wasn't on another country because I'm not really sure how they would've handled the situation and if they could've done as much about it as we did. Our country fought back and got stronger after this attack and I don't think other countries could have done that.
If i were to write a story about 9/11 i would do it from the point of view of the people in the building. I would do that because I'm sure they were very scared and out of everyone had the most fear.
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