Wednesday, December 9, 2009


In my heaven everything will be perfect, just like the way it is supposed to be. All of my family and friends would be with me there, along with others who were already there. I would love to walk into my heaven and see nothing but beautiful houses and land covered by trees and plants. I would love for the weather there to be in between, not too hot but not too cold. Heaven is said to be perfect and i don't think that if i was up there i would really want to change much because God has made it the best it can already be.

Monday, November 23, 2009

The Lovely Bones

I think that when Susie's father said, "it's trapped in a perfect world," he meant that nothing could go wrong inside the snow globe. There wouldn't be any problems inside of that globe that could make the penguin feel lonely or sad because it was fake and nothing was wrong. In Susie's heaven I think that her world is pretty much perfect, knowing that heaven is the most perfect place you can be. Susie may feel like it's not exactly perfect because her family isn't up there with her, but i think it is pretty amazing to her to be up there in her near perfect heaven.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Parts of Speech Review

Nouns - I, Shelby, Chelsea, Kinslie, Campbell, campus, Colorado, college, road trip, car

Adjectives - excited, big, nervous, long, white

Adverbs - gently, then, there

Conjunctions - and, or

Verbs - drive, talk, jump

Prepositions - to, into

Interjection - Ugh!

Pronouns - she, it

It was the summer before we started college so Chelsea, Kinslie, Campbell, Shelby, and I decided to take a road trip. We were all excited for the big trip to check out the campus and head out to Colorado. As I drove around Childress to pick everyone up they jumped into my car and started talking about how much fun it was going to be. Now that everyone was loaded into my car we were leaving childress and heading out for the first stop, the colleges. All of a sudden I head Kinslie yell from the back seat, "Ugh!" She had forgotten to get her camera and thought that she couldn't live without it so we turned back and got it. Walking out of her house she gently put the camera into her purse and then, finally, everyone was ready! After we had made it to the college campuses we were ready for the ride to Colorado. As soon as we pulled into the ski resort where we would be staying we saw so much white from all the snow. Since we hardly got to see snow this was amazing to us. Later we went skiing and a couple days after we went back to the big city of Childress, Texas to finish out the summer with our families and friends.


Thursday, November 5, 2009

My Bucket List

1. Build my own house.
2. Get married.
3. Have a family.
4. Go to college in Abilene.
5. Graduate from college.
6. Get my nursing license.
7. Come back to Childress.
8. Work at the Hospital here.
9. Get some boots.
10. Live in town.
11. Get a new car.
12. Keep up with my Ipod.
13. Learn a new language.
14. Have blonde hair.
15. Have brown hair again.
16. Get a good job.
17. Go on a road trip with my friends.
18. Take a vacation with family.
19. Ride on a plane.
20. Go on a shopping spree.
21. Read the whole bible.
22. Go on a mission trip.
23. Go to China.
24. Get a tattoo.
25. Get my belly button pierced.
26. Grow my hair out really long.
27. Go on a ski trip.
28. Learn how to ski.
29. Go to state for golf.
30. Make it to regionals again for golf.
31. Go to state for volleyball.
32. Go to state for basketball.
33. Go to state for track.
34. Learn how to dance.
35. Drive a race car.
36. Go white water rafting.
37. Go to Mardi Gras in New Orleans.
38. Go to Oktober Fest in Germany.
39. Visit all 50 of the United States.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Shakespeare Language

I lost my peat a couple days ago, because he wasn't acting very pert and had gotten hurt by a porcupine. I felt so bad because he was pinked everywhere. We had tried to take him to the vet but by the way he peered we didn't think he could make it until the next day, so we had to have him put down. My brother palled and buried him. If my dog wouldn't have tried to englut the porcupine he could have evitated the situation.

Get thee to a nunnary.

Ha :)

Monday, September 14, 2009


"We never know the worth of water til the well is dry," states an 18th-century English proverb.

This quote to me means, you never know what you really have or what it means until it's gone.

Friday, September 11, 2009


Eight Years ago at this time two planes flew into the twin towers. I was in 2nd grade and our principal went over the intercom and said something so my teacher turned on the T.V. and we watched what happened. I really had no idea what was going on at the time because i was so young, and the teachers never really explained a lot to us what had happened because they didn't want us to freak out about it. I don't really remember too much about what happened following the 9/11 attack.
I think that we will still be remembering the day of 9/11 twenty years from now. That day took a big effect on our country and i think that everyone will still remember the day in the future. The terrorists had no reason to plan the attack on us, and I'm not really sure why they did. I'm glad it wasn't on another country because I'm not really sure how they would've handled the situation and if they could've done as much about it as we did. Our country fought back and got stronger after this attack and I don't think other countries could have done that.
If i were to write a story about 9/11 i would do it from the point of view of the people in the building. I would do that because I'm sure they were very scared and out of everyone had the most fear.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Friendship Blog

I think that my morals and beliefs are more important than friendships. If you follow your beliefs then you will find friends with the same.


Because the man was agnostic every time he got asked to attend church he denied the invitation.

Monday, August 31, 2009

The Lovely Bones

I would like to read this book in class. When reading the plot of the story on Wikipedia i wanted more of it. Usually i don't read but i found an interest in this book and i would like to read the whole thing. I really hope we get to read this book in class.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Why Blog?

I think that we could use blogging to learn more about some interesting things. I also think that blogging will be fun for not only me but the rest of the classes here too.